Fibromyalgia Awareness post

Jul 31, 2011 17:50

Dear Friends,

I have decided to make this post public, as it contains videos such as my Fibromyalgia Story, as well as three I've done in the midst of the flare I am in right now. I wanted to share them all in one place so I apologise for the repeat postings, but in future I'll probably just add to this post so it's all in one place.

Firstly, some links for those looking for support from other Fibromites and Chronic Pain sufferers.

On LJ:

fibromyalgia - A community for people diagnosed or w/ a tentaive diagnosis or who think they may have FMS (Fibromyalgia Syndrome). They're also very good w/ people w/ other things such as M.E/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as well as the FMS. Very friendly, helpful and supportive community
chronic_pain - A community for people who have ANY kind of chronic pain condition. Very friendly, helpful community, as well as very supportive.

There are others, but those are the active ones I use, or at least lurk in.


- The Spoon Theory by Christine Miserandino

But You Don't Look Sick - The website behind the spoon theory and aimed at anyone with chronic fatigue condition or chronic pain or both.

FibroDuck - With the aim of putting 1 Million "Fibro Ducks" worldwide and having fun doing so, as well as raising awareness.

FibroDuck Foundation - A new foundation from the Fibro Duck people who are raising money for research into Fibromyalgia in the UK.

The Rambling Duck Raising awareness & money for Fibro research doing walks dressed up as "Fibro Duck"

Fibromyalgia Support - A website with a whole heap of info on Fibro and getting support.

Fibro Talk - An online support network for people w/ Fibro

Facebook Groups:

Fibro Duck - Basically, a FB version of the website that offers support and to share the photos and such

Fibro Writers - A FB group that has a lot of Fibro bloggers, which leads to reading other people's experiences.

Fibro Pals - A FB group for mutual support from other "Fibromites"

These are my own videos, my own personal story with FMS and some other videos I have made recently, they in fact prompted this post. Some of the videos are long so feel free to pause and come back if need be, or not watch then all the way through, whatever works for you.

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Part One of my Fibromyalgia Story

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Part Two of my Fibromyalgia Story

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Fibromyalgia - We are in pain & we need support

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Fibromyalgia - We are NOT drug seekers

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Fibromyalgia - DON'T suffer alone

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Fibromyalgia - Leg Pain & Understanding

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Fibromyalgia - We All Deserve HOPE

I will add info to this post as I continue to find it and/or do anymore videos. If you have any questions, leave a comment to this post or PM me and I'll try to answer it. If that's not something you can do (i.e don't have an LJ) feel free to email me @

If you're looking for FMS suffers on the following, here are my handles:

MsJoeyBug - YouTube
MsJoeyBug - Twitter
Joeybug - Facebook
Joey Paul - G+

And please remember, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! There are people willing to support you through this in the long term.

If you have any videos, links, websites, facebook/G+ groups or Blogs you'd like me to add to this, please comment with the link and a brief description of what they do.



fibromyalgia, video, youtube, e-mail, help, links, m.e, joey has issues, m.e & fibro awareness, pain, website

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