The "Joey Paul " FAQ

May 15, 2007 21:53

[idea stolen from lapifors]

Who is Joey?
Joey is a 35 year old who writes books for a living.
Information about her health issues can be found here.

What kind of books does she write?
She writes young adult fiction, mostly crime stuff. You can find out more about her books on her official website. You can "Like" her on Facebook too! So far the books are called Blackout, The Friendship Triangle, Lynne & Hope, Waiting On You, Destination: Unknown, It's Not Always Rainbows, Walk A Mile, Dying Thoughts - First Touch, Dying Thoughts - Second Sight, Dying Thoughts - Third Wish, Dying Thoughts - Fourth Week, Dying Thoughts - Fifth Secret, Dying Thoughts - Sixth Change, Dying Thoughts - Seventh Death, Dying Thoughts - Eighth Ending, Lights Out, Lights On, Lights Off, Cramping Chronicles: The First Twinge, Cramping Chronicles: The Second Pang, Cramping Chronicles: The Third Ache & Invisible

Where can I find her books?
Information about release dates and where to find her books can be found on her website
The following books are available on Amazon and other sites as e-books: Blackout, The Friendship Triangle, Dying Thoughts - First Touch, Dying Thoughts - Second Sight, Dying Thoughts - Third Wish, Lynne & Hope, Waiting On You, Dying Thoughts - Fourth Week, Destination: Unknown, Dying Thoughts - Fifth Secret & It's Not Always Rainbows. Dying Thoughts - Sixth Change & Walk A Mile will be released in 2018.

I read the first entry, but have forgotten what conditions she has...
Type One Brittle Asthma (BA), Myalgic Encephalopathy (M.E), Fibromyalgia (FMS), Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD), Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) & Vestibular Dysfunction

Why does she make people read the first entry before she lets them go on her friends list?
In the past people have been shocked and not wanted to get involved once they knew what was wrong with her, so now she makes sure people are informed BEFORE they click the button to add her as a friend.

Who's B and Darla?
B = best friend, carer, slave, house keeper or whatever hat she choses to wear today, but don't worry folks she gets paid for the work she does to help Joey out around the house and out and about.
Darla = B's daughter and Joey's God daughter. She's thirteen and growing up fast!

Does she have any pets?
She has two cats, Miss Penne who is eight and Miss Spaghetti (Hetti) who is four. They are her children, mock them and die in a fire that she set. They have two house-mates Miss Violet and Mr Dash, both of whom are three and belong to Joey's carer and house-mate B. They have their own journal at the_pasta_cats

Does she have any hobbies?
Joey likes to write, both books for her contract and also for fun. She also likes to strum away on the Ukulele. She also likes to go out and about and find geocaches. She reads a lot and can be found in her spare time on the internet or doing one of the other things mentioned.

What is geocaching?
Geocaching is basically using GPS satellites to find treasure, or caches as they're called. You can find out more about it here. Joey start in October 2014 and hasn't stopped since!

What shows does she watch?
NCIS, NCIS:LA, Castle, Grey's Anatomy, White Collar, Fringe, Bones, Warehouse 13, Doctor Who, Supernatural and Torchwood

What/Who is/are The Rocking Dodars?
Joey writes songs and released a single in May 2012 called "It Hurts To Be Me", with 100% of the proceeds going to The Fibroduck Foundation, which are a UK charity raising awareness and funds for research into Fibromyalgia. You can buy the song on Amazon & iTunes, as well as the Fibroduck Foundation website. She had a lot of help in making the song a single from her friends Kim and Anders. They decided to try and record an album and formed the band - The Rocking Dodars. You can find their website here. At the moment, they have one song completed and plan to redo "It Hurts To Be Me" as they know more and have better equipment. Joey provides vocals and Ukulele.

Does Joey do anything like a job or something?
Technically, Joey is "medically retired" and has been since she was 19 and fell ill with M.E (and possibly FMS too). However, she writes her books, she did her honours degree and may do a Masters, she does the music with her band and she also volunteers for The Fibroduck Foundation as a "writer ducky". She fully supports The Fibroduck Foundation and aims to help them reach their first research goal of £26,000 - just £24,000 to go!

Where else can I find Joey online?
Let's see:-
Joey on Facebook
Joey on Twitter
Joey on Tumblr
Joey on Youtube

That's all I can think of for now,'s meant as a way of breaking the ice for the new people on my flist, if you want to ask a question, comment and I'll add it and answer it as best as I can.


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