
Jun 14, 2005 20:51

Dear LJ Friends List ( Read more... )


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exit28 June 14 2005, 20:52:33 UTC
Cunts, the lot of you.

Anyone who is blaming Joey, B or Steph right now is an immature idiot. Because, in case you haven't noticed, we're all to blame. All of us. The ONLY people who have done ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to "save" Bustedslash, although we ALL know it was gone a long, long time ago, are Tracey, and the moderators. THAT IS IT. No one else posted daily. No one else tried to get exmembers to post their fics on the community. NO ONE. So, right now, whoever is blaming anyone is a piece of utter, over-reactive shit.

Listen, we're ALL upset. All of us. But, we don't all lock posts and make rude comments to Joey, B or Steph. To be honest, Kate, your reply to Joey's post on Bustedslash was uncalled for. Completely. In fact, you must have had some guilt about creating Jadedslash and "betraying Bustedslash" (which, in all honestly, you didn't. Jadedslash is a nice place. I like it. I think that you and Kat run it well.), otherwise you wouldn't have assumed that everyone was blaming you. It was childish and unnecessary.

And, to be even MORE honest, I think that locked posts add to this all. See, if there are locked posts, then there's going to be MORE locked posts. And when I read a locked post, I feel suspicious. Because, if he/she makes filtered posts about THIS person, then what are they saying about ME? That's what causes jealously and suspicion, and THAT'S what ruins friendships.

I've left Bustedslash, because I don't think that the community can ever recover. But, if someone thinks of something to try, let me know and I'll help. Otherwise, I'm out for good.

I know that I'm only adding to the drama. I KNOW IT. No reason to gasp at this, and scurry off to make a locked entry about me. The only thing that I ask is that everyone really think about what they're doing. Think about how you're treating Joey, B and Steph. And remember, Joey, B and Steph all have friends. And their friends don't put up with the bullshit that's been floating around here lately.


kate_fkn_does June 14 2005, 21:07:00 UTC
You know what, i did feel like i was being blamed, B was making digs about jadedslash and i didn't like them. Thats my opinion. And i'm sick of being the one that gets hated on!


exit28 June 14 2005, 23:31:02 UTC
I just checked, to see if I was missing something. Nope. B actually PROMOTED your community.

And, it is your opinion. I'm just telling you that there were other, and possibly better, ways to get your opinion across.

HOWEVER, the reason you are hated on is because you do childish things. Try being the bigger person and not say rude things to others.

Listen, I'm not fighting B's battles. She's very smart and witty, and she can very capable of defending herself and doing a good job of it. However, the SECOND that you assumed everyone was blaming you set me off. Stop making everything revolve around you. You are not the center of attention. The fact is that no one was really talking about BLAME until you stormed in. Check yourself, because one day you are going to piss off the wrong person.


kate_fkn_does June 14 2005, 23:41:06 UTC
fuck off! there you go i'll step up to exactly what you think of me and i'll play the immature self-centred bitch!


sushigal007 June 15 2005, 19:15:18 UTC
Just had a look at it all again, and really, there are no digs about jadedslash until you came in. When I mentioned it I was simply informing someone that it was around and if you don't like that, then whenever I happen to mention it again, I'll put a row of smiley faces afterwards. I never mentioned blame until after you posted and then I said that I, that's me, not Snish or Joey, felt you were slightly to blame because seriously, who wants to mod a community where two of the oldest members vow never to post there again and post saying their new community is the only place where you can get decent fic? It's disheartening.
HOWEVER, you two are not the reason the community died, so you can paste this publicly if you like and stop whining that we're all against you. Bustedslash died for many reasons. It died because the band split and the BourneWickers and JayWickers in particular didn't want to write anymore because their OTP's had just imploded. It died because there was a ton of bitchyness and badmouthing going on about various fics and authors and the place got a bad atmosphere. It died because it got popular and bad fic started rolling in. It died because people forgot the difference between constructive critisism and bitchy critisism. It died because people gradually stopped posting and when Tracey went on holiday, that was it. No fic. No-one was reading and no-one was writing and we all decided there was no point dragging it out any longer. It was dying and it was time to put it out of its misery.
So, there you go. That is why it died. Now get over yourself because it wasn't all about you. It's over now. The End. And that's the last I have to say.


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