Sep 22, 2004 19:22
I think something is sereously wrong with mine and Elise's friendship, I mean we haven't hung out with eachother since school started, and I mean actually hung out. My mom started talking to me about it yesturday too, she asked me what was wrong with me and Elise, and I told her that we've just been having problems, and she told me that we've been to close of friends to let it end now, and that we should sit down and talk about things, but everytime we do, it just doesn't seem to help. I mean I love Elise to death but it just seems that she doesn't wanna hang out with me as much anymore. I would say something but it just starts more shit. We don't even talk to each other at our lockers. I don't know. I guess I'm just worried about it. I just want to cry.