Jul 27, 2008 00:07
I played the shit out of my guitar tonight. I'm really bummed that I never have anyone to play with, so I sit alone in the basement with the Lenin and a Cobain, and a guitar and a stereo...oops, that's not my song either. I was having a lot of fun playing, and didn't even realize how much time I had spent playing. I was only through about half of what I wanted to do!!!! I brought a stadium light out to give me some lighting, but then I had to get a fan because that light was making it too hot. Then the fan stopped working!!!!!
I met a really cool person, I guess I haven't actually met her, but I talked to her sort of in depth for the first time, and she helped inspire me to get working even more so on writing some songs. Apparently, she could get me to be able to play at Rothbury next year if I really had my act together, but I'm sure I won't! That's still a long way off. I'm setting up a performance management contract with a guy in my class to make sure that I try to write every week, so eventually I'll have some songs. I actually started putting together the music for one!!!!! That was the most exciting thing that's happened to me in weeks!
So, my roommate bailed on me, for good reasons, but still, he bailed. We already had an apartment reserved, and I had paid the security deposit for it.
So now, I asked a guy from my grad program to move in with me because he lives in GR right now, and he wants to move down here, so I figured it would help both of us out. The only problem is that I don't know him very well at all! He knows my cousin, and they don't like each other, so that's a down side as well, actually. I'm going to see this guy all of the time for the next two years though, so I figured that this is a good chance for us to get to know each other, and we'll be able to help each other out with school work as well. He filled out an application for the apartment, but he hasn't committed to it yet, so I'm kinda just waiting for things to happen. If he bails, too, then I have until August 15th to find another roommate, or I'll have to give up that apartment, and probably be stuck in Allegan for a bit longer :(
I'm gonna get up tomorrow and play the shit out of my guitar again!