Summer Time

Jun 07, 2008 21:07

Well, it seems like summer is officially here. Not as bad as it will be, but I was stuck in jeans for the better part of the day and could only dream of the A/C in my bedroom window. My horribly disgusting 2nd degree sunburn is severely peeling and could not look any worse, which is just great when all I want to do is put on a tank-top. Ugh. And then I'm pretty sure that I've got some sort of laryngitis. Last night at our school dance I suddenly sounded like I'd sucked in some helium. The entire night I sounded like a chipmunk and whenever I talked, nobody could hold in their laughter. It sucked. But now, with my icky, scratchy throat I'd do anything to get the helium-voice back.

However, I'm glad to say that I've got my last final on Monday (I think). After that we'll have hardly anything left to do before Friday. That certainly makes me happy. Though I do have to work Friday night :( That sorta sucks.

I'm looking forward to this summer. The last one sucked and I was stuck inside nearly the entire time with my stupid broken leg.

I would write up some more because its been awhile since I've posted anything, but I've got to finish uploading the rest of these Spice Girls cds that I borrowed. It's starting to thunder and I really want to get this computer turned off.

BTW- I nearly freaked watching LOST's finale. I mean, WOW! Locke in the coffin? The island literally moving? And is Jin really dead? However, my absolute favorite part was the Des/Pen reunion. I actually cried during that part because I was so happy. Move over Jack and Kate, Penny and Desmond are most definitely my new OTP on Lost. I really hope that we get to see more of them next season and that Ben doesn't succeed in killing Pen. 'Cause if he does, I might have to start hating him. I wonder if Desmond's gotta go back to the island with the O6, too....

Oh, well. That clap of thunder was real loud. Ciao!

tv; lost, life in general, school

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