Oct 11, 2004 16:17
it's october already and i NEED to decide what i want to be for halloween. I think that we should all get permission from our parents not to not go to school on nov. 1st (which is a monday) and stay together all oct. 31 (which is a sunday)
what should i be for halloween? ooh, this is the fun part.
i'm not sure..things i've already been before....
an M&M, princess belle, princess jasmine, a doctor, a bride, a witch, a vampire (that one was a fun costume that year, i realized what I looked like with black hair), a jeanie, a demon whore, a puppy, a ninja (that wasn't halloween but i have the costume), a scary skeleton looking thing (i had a pump under my clothes that made blood rush down my face)
i've never been a superhero before...almost everyone does that as a kid. maybe i'll be a superhero.
boy or girl? of course girls kick ass. i'm sure tony would like me more dressed as a female superhero, but then again maybe not because i will not be in his company on halloween. it's heartbreaking, yes i know.
there are seriously though, too many superheros to choose from. all of my friends and i should go to evangalines together and kick halloween ass!