Nov 05, 2004 13:23
Wow...I opened lj and saw that every new entry was pretty downtrodden, saddened, enraged, disappointed, and generally negative overall.
LJ is a good place to vent and all...
but it can't replace opening the Bible and being renewed. I'm not saying that's what's happening, but imagine what would happen if we vented our frustrations in prayer and read the Word. The first part gets us square with God and outlets our emotions and drains the negativity, while the Word replaces it with putting in utterly perfection. That's something no LJ post (or reply) can give.
If someone is driving you insane, talk to them. Tell them. But talking to God first is a must. Chances are, your beef with them is something only God can change. It beats having an argument with them, or a sugar-coated conversation that only hides the resentment.
As frustrating as things are, and as bad a mood as you are in, you may get advice or help from others. If it is useless to you, do not ever criticize someone for caring. Not all advice is bad, and not all who give it are looking to earn their brownie points of the day. Your own suspicions and assumptions can ruin how you perceive others' reactions and words to you. Don't let your own thoughts drive you nuts. God works in weakness, right? Our mind and our own understanding is weak. Who are we to mindread others? It never works. Most of our misery is, in fact, self-inflicted. The rest is suffering for the sake of Christ, which is an awesome privelege because otherwise, we'd be dust. But praise to the Lord Jeez, because we have something to be happy about.
I'll learn all this stuff I say for myself someday :)