Oh My God. I'm actually updating!

Jan 26, 2007 00:32

Hey! Look at this! I'm actually updating instead of emoing about stuff! XDD

Looks like I have about 3 months to update on so here it goes. Um, October was cool. Halloween was pretty fun. I dressed as Bono (duh) and talked about Africa in an Irish accent which eventually led to Dana hitting me every time I said the word "Africa." I also mentioned how The Edge is on fire all the time. LOL

I got the Nintendo Wii in November which was really cool. I don't know if I mentioned this but Dana and I write videogame reviews for The Observer, Fordham's newspaper. Besides that, November was full of long, painful papers that I would like to wipe from my mind. But Molloy's Thanksgiving reunion was very cool. It was great seeing all of my friends again. Then I got through finals in December without killing someone, got at least a B in all of my classes, and got ready for Christmas. On Christmas, I got a leather jacket, some videogames, U2 stuff, etc. I had my Christmas party a couple of days later which was really fun. We went to karaoke and it was cool. I finally sang Bad in the right key!

After that, 2007 rolled in and I enjoyed my next two weeks off. I hung out with my friends a lot, went to a basketball game at Madison Square Garden, and spent all of my money. XD

I started the new semester last week and so far, it's been much better than the first. All my classes are cool. We're gonna read Dracula in English class, my Philosophy professor mentioned Bono in class today, and I'm gonna make up a one-act play later this year for Intro. to Theater. My schedule kinds sucks. (I have to go in for class every day.) But I'll get used to it.

In terms of what's happening within the U2 world, the Vertigo Tour is over. It made me kinda sad but I believe that they'll be a new album this year. Also, Window in the Skies from U2:18 Singles is one of the best U2 songs I've ever heard. In my opinion, it's better than anything else from the last two albums at least.

One last thing. To all of my friends, thanks for helping me out when I am in one of my depressed/pissed off moods. I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize for all my past emo entries and all of the future ones I will probably write. I'll also try to update more often but don't count on it. XD

Until next time, love and peace or else.
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