Jun 11, 2006 09:59
Well, it's been a while since I updated so here it goes. Anime Boston was a blast for the most part. But everything turned out alright and I had a great time at all of the events. (except the three-hour long wait for nothing!) I met Vic Mignogna, our group had breakfast with him, and I found out that he's a really cool guy. Whose Line is It Anime? was one of the funniest things I ever saw. Kajuu Big Battle was great as well.
Then we returned to New York just in time for graduation. Everything went really great with that. Sadly, Mark hurt his jaw the day before graduation and needed to have surgery. But he'll be okay. I felt extremely nervous during the entire ceremony except when Dana and I won the Journalism award! Then before I knew it, graduation was over. We went outside to have it pour on us and left in a hurry. Luckily, I got to say goodbye to everyone at the graduation breakfast and at the Sci-Fi end of the year party. Speaking of, the new officers were elected. Congrats to everyone who was elected/appointed especially Sydney. So that's about all the big things that happened in this past two weeks.
While that's all been happening on the outside, what's been happening on the inside has been a lot more chaotic. I've been stressed out of my mind since September and I know that there's not much more I can take before I snap. But I can't let that happen because I can't risk myself snapping at one of my friends. I always have to remain calm and it's not helping my situation. I've also got another problem. Something has been eating away at me and I know I have to do something about it. I just worry about what's going to happen when I do. I just have to hope that I can work through everything I'm feeling and continue to be there for the ones I care about most. Sorry for the angst but I had to get a little bit of it of my chest.
Hopefully I'll learn to update more often but I wouldn't put any money on it. Until next time. Love and Peace or Else.