She & Him rocked tonight, making the 100 degree weather almost bearable. Zooey Deschanel is really adorable but also an extremely talented musician. The combo of her and M. Ward on guitar made it an awesome, yet laid-back performance. When she belted out "I Put A Spell On You" as the last song of the night, the entire audience went nuts. I knew she could sing, but she yelled out some of those notes for at least 10 seconds. Epic.
Day 02 - Your Favorite Movie
This is the movie I've been waiting for since the first superhero movie came out. I liked Batman Begins and thought it was an awesome reboot but this film just took it to another level. It's almost three hours long, yet it never feels like it. I think the moment that I knew I would love this film was during the infamous pencil scene with The Joker, one clip that was smartly left out of the trailers. Heath Ledger's performance of the Joker is absolutely perfect. As an avid reader of the comics, this was the Joker I always wanted to see on screen. The rest of supporting cast, including Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, and Aaron Eckhart did spectacularly as well. Hell, even with all the jokes made about Christian Bale's voice, he's still probably the best Batman we've ever gotten on film (can't hold up to the animated series Batman voiced by Kevin Conroy.) All in all, it's a masterpiece as both a serious film and a superhero flick.
Day 03 - Your Favorite TV Show
As much as I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I think this spin-off was a superior show. Throughout its five seasons, it just got stronger and stronger after each year. I won't say too much due to spoilers but there were two things that really made it stand out. First, the acting/writing was amazing. David Boreanaz had much more screen time (obviously) to develop the character of Angel and the writing looked much deeper into his quest for redemption. Plus, I just find Angel to be a more interesting protagonist than Buffy. The extensive support class also all get a chance to delve into some deep character issues, creating a serious drama but one that also has light moments. Second, Angel stood out because it distanced itself from Buffy so much that it didn't feel like just a spin-off. Instead of a new threat every year, it was a constant struggle against one main foe with other opponents throwing themselves into the mix. Joss Whedon's greatest creation.