Oh man it's weight watcher day

May 30, 2012 08:54

So I'm going to once again post daily for a month. I'm 65 this year, this coming month. Some good some not so much.

Hopefully I'll just let you in on what is happening, what i'm remembering and what I hope for the future.

It's not June yet, so this isn't the real start. So ya know.

I've been going to weightwatchers for awhile. I did this last year as well, but then gave up when the doc started messing with my meds. Well she's started doing it again, but I'm just not going to give up again. But seriously, I'm so tired of the side effects. Tired of being tired.

I'm closing in on 15 pounds lost and 10% of my starting weight. So in some ways I feel better.

Now if the pills would help out that'd be great. Glipizide just doesn't work as well as metformin or actos. Not as dangerous, but then it's not doing anything sugar wise.
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