I was a bad boy this afternoon. I should have been cleaning my room and looking for my missing uniform items, but instead I made fun of silly Christians (which doesn't include every Christian, and if you are silly, don't be ashamed. Let me know so I can make fun of you some more.). I got an email from one of my flight attendant classmates with a petition to have stores stop replacing "Christmas" with "Holidays". I hit reply all and this is what was sent:
I honestly don't get it. Most "Christmas" traditions were borrowed from pagan cultures. I'd think Jesus would be glad to not have His name associated with them (or even His initial "X", which is the Greek "chi"). The stores are just being pluralistic because America is pluralistic. Why is that so wrong? Using "Holidays" as opposed to "Christmas" makes perfect sense, seeing as there are three holidays this season. It wouldn't be practical to have a sale for each of them, you know. Imagine how much printing material would go to waste with something like:
"It's the Four-Holiday Sale, from November 23rd through December 24th!!! Hanukkah Sale: All menorahs and dreidles 20-25% off! Kwanzaa Sale: All Kwanzaa items 15-30% off! Christmas Sale: All Christmas trees, ornaments, mistletoe, and various other assimilated pagan traditions 5-20% off! Nativity scenes with anachronistic Wise Men full price! And who can forget our sale for, Boxing Day: All cardboard boxes free (while supplies last)! Boxing gloves and Canadian bacon, 15% off!"
So if you sign that petition, it's your business. But you'll be responsible for all the trees that die for those new signs.
On 11/29/05, Bobbie _____ wrote:
Follow the link below to add your name to this important issue. Go to
http://www.afa.net/petitions/signpetition.asp?id=1480 to sign.