Jul 20, 2002 02:24
I was walking down the street earlier today and saw the damndest thing. That thing being a fat man in a mumu. I loved it and offered him $3.22 for the sweat stained garment. What a deal. Its almost as nasty as the dog-faced sea wench Angela. You know, that two-faced whore that struts around the good 'ole Toys R Us. Well this mumu was definitely worth the money I've wasted on it. Speaking of a waste of money, senior week... Oh boy oh boy.. what a waste of nearly $600. Well hanging out with Lauren was fun (this is true). Getting entangled in a retarded controversy was fun. Regretting going down there was fun. Hating everyone for the weeks that followed was fun. But yes, although I had a lot of fun, it was a complete waste of that much moo-laa. Hopefully you'll never spend that much and not enjoy it. I should've spent that money on a nice hooker.... are they called hookers if you spend more than $50 on them? I think after the $300 mark they become "nightly escort;" nevertheless a high priced prostitute would've compensated for much of the agony which was senior week. Compensate... what a great word. Almost as good as quantum or statistically... or even peanut. Yeah, is it too late to trade in my senior week for a bag of honey-roasted peanuts? Peanuts is a seven lettered word, like lesbian; and you know I know a couple of lesbos... not mentioning names... but if someone wants to go ahead and list them, feel free. So many people that I know... so many... many of which I don't realize that I know, but I know them... much like I know how to read. Definitely, I know how to read.. at least I think I do. Someone help me with that one.