Jul 25, 2012 20:55
10 years. That's right. I've been updating this blog for 10 years. Well, I only made one entry last year so I'm not sure I can brag so much, more so I am not sure I would even want to go back and read some of the tragically dire coined expressions and emojis that undoubtedly I thought were the high of cool, 'suave' even. Prat.
Anyway, 10 years after holing myself up in East London and almost exclusively keeping my social interaction limited to people who went by the names of 'Linus', 'Spaceman Pimple' and of course 'Mikifakepiki', now I have emerged from that hollow realm, boarded the Tiny Bronco and now I'm living in foreign land of Wutai.
That's 'Tokyo, Japan' to those who are not familiar with my particular kind of retardation.
This is in fact my 4th time, be it holiday, working holiday, studying on a tourist visa, and now finally, a language school student, in Japan and finally I intend to impart that which I think, experience, and live as a result of being in this country.
If you're looking for a typical gaijin living in Tokyo failure blog, then please I would ask you to look elsewhere. From now, I will be not just sharing my life, but using this blog as a vehicle to explore deeper thoughts, acute experiences and maybe showing you some crazy awesome shit that you haven't seen on Naruto or some retard gaijin-made documentary on Japanese life. Wabisabi my arse.
Now that's all well and good and that may sound deeply profound but the harsh reality is on my journey I expect to relay the more crude, everyday experiences that which really give life meaning.
I'm hoping that having this blog which give me just the extra little kick I need to really live in Japan the way all Japan-bound gaijin hope and wish to live.
I may even try and write all this in Japanese. If that's the case, I hope no Japanese read this. That would be embarrassing.
May even start a new blog for this new start, but I'll cross-post everything here purely for the nostalgia that posting here gives me.