Feb 23, 2006 21:27
Well it has been awhile for an update. Had off of work 5 days From Friday thru Monday. Friday drove to Cleveland Clinic picked up Pat's father after he had two stints put in his heart, for 80 years old he did pretty well. He wanted to stop in Painesville on way home have dinner at Helriegel's so we did what a wonderful dinner we had. Then Friday night saw Pink Panther and Brokeback Mountain. Saturday we were lazy read this story on FanFiction that someone wrote with an alternative story ending from the movie very interesting 23 chapters and the writer is still writing. Boy they have about 125 stories on their people have written also spent some time on Dave Cullen's altimate Brokeback Mountain forum. Also checked out other forums hate the Yahoo one so many hateful people against gay's on that thread. Myspace has a lot of great sites also and Live jouranl has a lot of wonderful sites. Went back to see Brokeback on Saturday night. Sunday cleaned a little and then hung out with Heidi and Sharon went to Maximilians for a really nice dinner again and we just hung out and chatted and talked about all kinds of things. Sharon is also slightly affected by the movie I think because one time she was married and had children before she came out. Heidi thinks it is interesting how much stuff has been written about one movie. We checked out a lot of sites on Youtube.com with Heidi since they have high speed internet and it was much ore enjoyable. Monday we drove around Chataqua lake and stopped and walked through the institute it was very lovely day did not talk just walked and enjoyed the scenery. Had another nice dinner in Jamestown New York. Tuesday I was bymyself YEAH!! I read some other books and played around house cleaned a little and did some laundry then back to Brokeback again that night. WEll back to work on Wednesday and now work 9 days before my next day off. Work was absolutely horrible. Came back to 3 times the problems then I had before I left. I feel like it is falling apart around me. Went to dinner with Pat's father at the Yacht club last evening he is pretty back to normal now. Funny man he is never without a sportcoat, tie and full dress even in hospital last week. They have a new Chef at the Yacht club and he made this wonderful salad of the good mozzarella, Tomatoes, Crostini and fresh greens and olives it was so good I could have had two of them. But, as you know I try and eat healthy and little. Very nice evening with him. His father is such a great person to have conversations with. Back to work today and life is life same old problems. I decided that I just cannot worry so much about things it will happen and if it does not oh well.
This entire Brokeback thing has me so puzzled why it affects some people and not others. I have read comments on threads from people 15 years to 84 years who are so devistated and most are people who swear in their entire life they have never been moved by any movie like this or story. It brings out the need for change and reaches down to the pit of me somewhere and brings out so many emotions I cannot deal with them. I talked to my counselor and they recommend that I just enjoy the experience of feeling all these emotions and he does not feel that it is harmful at all he thinks it is sort of a breakthrough for me to be going through this obsession, addiction or whatever you want to call it. The only thing that ever pulled this much emotion out of me was when Nanny (my grandmother) passed away March 31, 1986. I could not function for a long time after that. I have lost a lot of people in my life more then I want to mention the 80's were so bad with friends who died from Aids over a 100 and I had so many die at my home and in my arms because their families would not take care of them. All that tragedy I never got this emotional before. When my very best friend was murdered by his partner in 1987 I almost had a similar problem as this but what got me through that was wanting to see his partner put in jail for commiting that horrible crime. Ok I'm rambling again. Anyways now I'm waiting patiently for a few of the authors to finish their stories. Hope everyone is happy and healhy and doing well. Joe