Feb 19, 2004 20:08
what are you lookinh at.........why aren't you smiling....... did I do something wrong.......I heart you.......smile....... no....nothing....hmmmm...lets see......what will make you happy.....?I guess nothing....you have hair stuck in your glasses......what....why aren't you laughing or smiling.......awe I see....the silent treatment for JOW.......what is your problem....oh now you smile......and show me them pearly whites..........and now your laughing.....that is a goood sign...yais indeed......and now you are making faces at me.....cute very cute....now you are all slouched in your chair....breathing slowly....wiping the eye boogers away....(chuckle chuckle)/ more eye boogers. now you are staring at me.....thinking...I can tell...because you do this thing with your lip when you are thinking.....happy now cuz you are biting your bottom lip...and the side of your cheek.......licking your lips....you want some.....laughing and rubbing your head on my shoulder....and taking deep breathes.....smelling my sleeve....and now your kissing my elbow.......ooooooh licking my sleeve.....crazy.......I don't see the pleasure in licking my shirt.....but ok... whatever makes you happy...hahaha don't do that....it tickles.......soft hands a venturing up my shirt now and I thought they were going to be playing with my nipple...oh wait there they are.......tickles......