(no subject)

Nov 17, 2009 14:14

Quote of the Day:

"Breast self-exams are of no value."

This from a government study on women's health. Women under 50 shouldn't get mammograms either. Article here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/11/16/AR2009111602822.html?nav=hcmodule

A lot of comments are blaming Obama health care reform, however, as one person stated, the chairman of this committee was appointed by the governor of Colorado - a Republican Fundamentalist Christian. Not sure if that is true, but if true, it isn't surprising. The Fundmentalist Christians hate women's rights as much as the Muslims do.

Also note - my dentist did regular self-exams and found a small lump. It was cancer. She was 35. An aunt of mine died of breast cancer at 48. This new ruling opens the door for insurance companies to deny paying for tests involving women's health. Scary stuff!
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