hello everyone
so a few small things im sure youre all dying to know..
1. i graudated this past friday. thank the lord that horendous ceremony ended. at a certian point i thought id never make it out of that auditorium.
2. today, i quit my job working for hilary duffs manager. same guy who MADE the olson twins. im a cheeseball, i know. not that i didnt like the compnay/guy, just not that crazy bout spending the greater part of my day inside looking at bakoodles of really bad mass-tier fashion samples and convincing a very oblivious staff that "unlocked" is probabaly not the best fragrance name for a girl who's brand wouldnt bode well with the implications that would have in light of the fact she recently turned 18. anyway, if you'd like to see excerpts of the work (ha!) i did for mr thorne ,you can a.) visit
http://red.blogs.aol.com/hilarysblog/Hilary's+Blog/ (ahm, its me) or b.) next time you see me, ask me how fast i can get you a hilary duff autograph. they say teh skills you learn at dumb jobs are transferable to future work. this case, not so sure.
3. saturday, im leaving to go to paris. well nyc first, just for a couple days though. ill be "over there" for a while i think. several months, maybe the whole year. who the heck knows. i do plan on joining the circle of people who provide public updates on their lives via myspace, livejournal, etc. maybe ill make an offical webpage: the travels of emily elizabeth and the little red dog. well, really, i guess thats settled.
Oh! I will also have my telly-tel-tel over there. FOr those of you that havent been converted to the phone-church of skype (www.skype.com) you can still call my US number directly. BUT i just got a new phone and changed my number to an LA number: 310. 806.2155. So, yeah , you can call that just like you would if I were in the states but i can answer it in france. sweet? welcome to the future, friends.
anyboydy have any music suggestions? any new finds? tell me! must stop listening to the same mix CD...
and just for luaghs, here's the beauty of the man i worked for:
Yes, those are plugs. The man's worth nearly a half billion dollars, yet his head still looks like that. fix it , robert. okay, im being mean now. but really. ah well, see? money really is nothing :)