Oct 29, 2005 14:46
so what have i been up to since ilast updated? alot, and yet nothing. there is nothing orthwhile that i have done since i dropped anth. i gotta do better at school. im really trying hard to get that done. we shall see how it goes. hopin for the best...
ummm, i need to not be such a slack ass anmd jsut do things and take the repercuusions of my actions. i need to not be such a baby.
also, some people are assholes. alot alot of assholeishness. that and alcoholics. stupid alcoholic peoples.
i think alcoholism isnt so much a disease as a life choice. everything nowadays is a disease. thats such bullshit. "i have a condition. i cant not drink" bullshit. there was a time when you didnt drink...could you not drink then? obviousy you could. people always try to shift the blame away from themselves. its never their fault (i know, i do it to. but im trying to do it less). take fucking responsibility for your actions.
dammit. now im pissed. i hate people that are like that. i hate myself when i do it. i go out and physically abuse myself by running until i am so exhausted i come home and pass out. and if i dont go rnning i berate myself mentally, i think that i would prefer the physical one. at least it stops once i finish running.
speaking of running, i need new shoes. and new flats. unfortunately, i have not alot of money with which to purchase said shoes. so i guess i'll still be running in the old ones.
ok im done. good bye.
"i understand me now. i am my own worst enemy. cuase every now and then i kick the living shit outta me. can we forget aboutthe things i said when i was drunk?"