every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end

Jun 27, 2005 00:53

i hate working all weekend. it sucked. 20 hours in two days is too much. alot too much. i wanted to kill the people that i like at work tonight. especially when my section wasnt clean cuase there was some miniscule speck of nothing on the floor. i biselled that little speck into oblivion. it wasnt even nothing by the time i was done with it. it was just gone. but i did make 100$ roughly working this weekend.

umm, what else have i done since i wrote in this thing last? umm, friday night there was a shwo at the beverage gallery. that was fun. we madea giant jenga tower and played uno and played uncle wiggly (which kelly cheats at by the way). the shwo was fun. but hten after the show, there was halo one goodness at (micheal) pell's house. that was the days highlight. i was notthwe best but not the worst. i was in the middle as usual, i think i am getting better at halo.

saturday i worked alot. i waited on kenny and kristen and keith though. that was fun. i made their tallcake. it was big and they ate it all. well almsot all. then after i got off i went and saw land of the dead. did you know that you have to be 17 to get in? the people wouldnt let me buy hugh a ticket to get him in and the lady knew i was 19 and didnt care. i thought you jsut had to be 18 to get someone else a ticket to go to the r movies. apparently they changed the rules. stupid movie people overprotecting us from ourselves.

sunday was rather uneventful. i woke up late cuasei hit the snooze. so i rushed into work and washed my apron there. umm, lunch was good. i saw the enitre bunone famiyl save for kenny. then i got off after nearly killing my zonie and my closer. then i went and hung out with beth. we swang and talked and got tahitian and then played rummy and watched into the west.

altogether a good weekend despite nearly killing two people and having a few others mad at me for reasons unbeknowst to me. oh well, time will show how the later plays out, i guess it'll all be for the best. whatever that may turn out to be.

"hopin' for the best
jsut hopin' nothing happens
1000 clever lines
unread off clever napkins
i wont ever ask
if you dotn ever tell me
i know you well enough
to know you never loved me."
~turkey, tbs, taking back sunday. whichever name you prefer.
and yea i finished, no that doesnt mean i mean/believe it. its jsut a quote.
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