Title: Thank You For the Music
Fandom: Empire Records
Characters: Joe, mild Joe/Lucas
Prompt: #68 Nostalgic
Word Count: 2261
Rating: FRT
Warnings/Spoilers: None I think other than slash
Summary: Joe thinks about his life. In music.
Thank You For the Music )
Comments 2
Bits that really struck me:
Everything seemed different the day after - like walking on the moon meant anything was possible. I told my grandfather that and he just hugged me and told me to keep believing that. That was the year he bought me my first drum kit. He said I should concentrate on my music and not go gallivanting off in space where he couldn't keep an eye on me.
This is so telling of Joe's own stray-gathering nature. Apparently, the urge is genetic.
We thought we'd invented the teenager in the sixties but it seemed the eighties gave them money, spending power, and apparently absolutely no taste in music.This sounds so true to the character...and had me snorting laughter ( ... )
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