You almost lost your Joeprimm tonight . . .

Jan 18, 2006 01:07

I was driving down Middle Country doing about 35-40 (I was slowing down) and I put my blinker on to go into the left turning lane to get onto Holbrook Rd. Now, I know it was rainging and all, but you could still see the fucking road lines, right? Exactly. I got into the turning lane and this fucking stupid ass driving a saturn almost hits me head-on because apparently they didn't notice that they weren't in their fucking lane. I hate people that do not know how to fucking drive. Why is it that the DMV decides to give people the ability to drive if they are too stupid to drive? HUH? But yeah, if I would have gotten hit, I'm sure I was dead. So its a good thing that the retard realised that he was going to hiot me and that I swerved out of the lane as well.

Well, thats all. See you all around.
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