(no subject)

Apr 27, 2005 15:02

yeah the past couple days ive been staying up later than i normally due and talking on the phone but its for a good reason so i dont kno why im complaining

I finally decided romeo and juilet sucks and shakespear will never do anything for me so why should i have to read his gay thing dont ya think yeah i do but then checked out right before i had to read the longest line ever went to dentist got a tooth filled which was gay because it my orthodonitist fault for not friggen brushing under the bracket before i got my braces on bastards well i got that tooken care off i was super numb but mommy took me to taco bell and i got me about 3 chalupas they were tasty yeah

came back to school and about 4 mintues later bell rang off to lunch yeah since half my face was numb cuz the novacaine when i laughed only half my faced laughed the other looked normal very funnny

4th period me courtney talked for some then me and logan talked some then me and kristina talked some then we all talked some didnt get much work done Yeah bell rang went home now im hear eating Some left over tacos from lunch
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