Aug 29, 2006 10:39
woo, only THREE weeks left till I move out. So therefore I am cramming in my days with activities. haha, if only I could get out of bed earlier. Yesterday, Mark and I did a lil scouting at Coyote Hills after xc practice, to scope out the view and check that one bench we always talked about taking someone there. Unfortunately, when checking out a lil beach area, Mark slipped and sank his two feet DEEP in mud. haha, and not to mention that the mud smelled like sulfur it probably killed his mood. But its okay, we brought my dad's camera and took a bunch of pics. That day really reminded me of our trip to Canada earlier this summer, taking pics of nature with us walking around in it. Not to mention its a nice view. When I tell people about what we did that day, they all think its cute that my brother and I are gonna watch the sunset just for kicks. But not really, now we know where to go for a great view of the sunset, and we didn't even stay for the sunset so it's all gooood.
Oh and I just ordered laptops for my brother and I last night. Sometimes, I worry about my parents and their inablity to work the internet and computers in the house. I don't believe that they have ordered anything on the internet by themselves. Well, I finally have got my mom to be checking her mail, replying to letters, etc. on her own. But when it comes to researching hotel rooms, booking flights, or sending pictures on email, I'm supposed to take care of that. Hah, and I don't think I've EVER seen my dad surf the web at home. So I wouldn't know if he could do that stuff for mom. Hopefully, they won't call mark or me over in college to order something for them online hahaha.
mmmmm... I wonder if I'm gonna tell people about this LJ soon. I think give me a couple more entries on my own and then I'll open it up. See.. I think having Mark LJ on the exact same day I had as well feels a lil weird. Hell, I see him type on it at night or throughout the day. yeah, just a few more entries then I'll start making this known.