
Mar 16, 2004 08:43

I can remember, as a child, wanting to bond with my brother and dad when they watched football on tv. They seemed to have so much fun yelling at the tv, talking about teams, etc. I thought, I like to have fun! So I went into the living room to join the festivities. After five minutes I left to find something that was actually fun to do.

I even played jr. tackle football. I liked that I could hit other kids and tackle them. But the team wanted more from me than that. They wanted me to care if we won. I didn't. In fact, people getting stressed about winning is not fun. That's why going to punk shows was so fun. I could run around and hit people, but there is no 'winning'. It's more pure than sports.

I tried to explain that to my dad once. He was telling me about how my brother recently got a bloody lip playing football with some of his friends. I told him that the pit at a show was much better, because there aren't all those pesky rules. I told him that the problem with sports is that they have a goal, a purpose for playing. But I don't have a goal; I don't have a purpose (except for my special purpose...). I don't even like goals. I do like to run around and hit people though. And a side benefit of a punk show is that you can listen to music at the same time. It's perfect.

The other problem with watching sports is that, well, I'm not actually doing anything. Well, maybe I could drink some beer, but I could do that anyway. I figure, if I'm going to watch tv, I'd rather watch something entertaining. For me, that's anything else -- except for something like "The Real World". I'd watch a sports show before that.
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