I just noticed that one of my userpics has been removed. I'm not sure when it happened, and I only noticed it when selecting an icon based on keywords, because one of them suddenly made no sense. The pic had been removed, but not the keywords, and the next pic in line - but only that one pic - shifted up into the vacant slot.
I assume that I violated a TOS, or perhaps someone's delicate sensibilities. But I don't know for sure, because no one from LJ contacted me... it just went poof.
The userpic in question was from a series of Dapper Dan related icons. The first two were apparently not offensive.
The first one is all me, from the first day I subbed in with the Dapper Dans of Disneyland, back with the "old" lineup, before things got all shook up over there. The second userpic is all over the place, actually. Perhaps not this particular one, because I 'shopped it from a larger image somewhere. But plenty of folks have used the likeness for icons, avatars, and userpics.
The third one was taken from the cover of a replica box for an antique toy. It amused me on a number of levels. Not only because of the Dapper Dan connection, but also because (according to Family Tree info that my particular branch learned about in 2000) I am 1/8th, or possibly 1/16th (which is more believable, given that I am melanin challenged) black.
The keywords were an extremely obscure reference to a line from M*A*S*H, from Harry Morgan's Emmy Award winning performance as Maj. Gen. Bartford Hamilton Steele, one season before he came back on the show as Col. Sherman T. Potter.
But I didn't expect anyone to get that...
I have to admit that I'm a little confused about where LJ is drawing the line these days. If I'm going to have a userpic deleted because of offensensitivity, surely there are better canditates for expulsion.
Apparently, our Russian overlords do not consider this gesture inappropriate.
Nor is this word, which I am apparently not allowed to say in church anymore. (I mean, c'mon... like Jesus never dropped a deuce. What are we teaching our children?)
These two, taken together or seperately, are offensive to me, and I'm the one who made them...
And I wasn't even trying to be subtle with this one. It may be slightly more amusing to a particular subset of Gamer Geek, but, honestly now... do I need to spell it out?
And this one is wrong on too many levels to contemplate:
But that's just not offensive enough to warrant notice, apparently... and neither is a firm desire to ram a big piece of legislation through John C. Calhoun's committee...
Nope, what did it was an antique toy.
I leave you now with the image in question, so that you may be properly shocked and offended. Me, I'm off to
Sambo's for some pancakes.