May 22, 2011 19:46
What do you get when you combine Cash Cab, Formula D, and Trivial Pursuit, and put it on a convention stage? Well, a hot mess, most likely, but it's also an idea for a con game show.
Three teams of three participate. One player on each is the "driver" and will have a predetermined route to drive in order to pick their other two teammates, each placed at one location. Each route starts from a central hub and will be the same length. The driver who answers an opening toss-up question would take the driver's seat and advance along the board by answering questions of varying difficulty. Like in Formula D, each "gear" would have it's own movement range and question difficulty. 1st gear questions (which include toss-ups) are 1-2, 2nd gear is 2-4, and top gear are 3-6. The team in control can accelerate or decelerate one gear at a time if they want. If they get a question wrong, they stop and the other two teams have a chance to steal and move in 1st gear.
If the team in control reaches a destination, the player at said destination joins the team in the "car" (and only players in the car can help to answer questions) but they forfeit their turn. Stopping requires an exact roll, but if you overshoot, you can downshift one space per gear. If you still overshoot, well that sucks, but you're still in control. Also along the way, there'll be red lights which forfeits the turn, and green lights than allow for a free roll. Whoever picks up all their players and makes it back to the hub first (on exact roll) wins.
The key aesthetic would be that the course would be the convention's city, with the hub being the actual location of the con. I always like making things local, because that's sorta cool, and with most of your attendees being local, you might as well. :3