Journies in the desert, part 1

May 05, 2010 08:52

Day 1 recap:
  • Flight was fine, albeit a little dull.  Didn't realize how much brown there was.
  • Southwest was actually pretty liberal in terms of frills.  Free snacks and drinks.
  • The guest room for my g/f's parents has a computer (old Compaq Presario), TV (about 13"), DVD/VCR combo, internet access, and apparently, it's own bathroom.  This added to the fact that they have a dog (very pretty) and random for-fun game machines lying about should equal epic win, but the dad is turned so far to the right, he's practically backwards.  Here's hoping the g/f doesn't go that far (giggity)
  • Hit up Downtown, namely Fremont Street.  Casino club rewards aren't what they used to be. :(
  • I should join Binion's if only so I could have my picture taken with a million dollars. (I'm not kidding)
  • Swag count
    • Player cards: 4
    • Playing cards: 2 (one actually looks like it could be used for casino gaming)
    • Other swag: BOGO steak dinner at Four Queens cuz it's the month of May (month of May)
    • Total winnings: +$2.95 (Free $5 from Golden Nugget) Side note: Last time I gambled (which was the first), I also lost 40% of my bankroll.  I hope this isn't a trend.
One last note about the town itself.  I want to leave it.  It's hot and loud with barely a place to sit.  The suburbs are drab and brown with high cement walls everywhere.  Any hopes for color somewhere else gets dashed when you realize there's mountains on all sides and it's the middle of the desert.  If it weren't for the free lodging (for her, too) I'd probably want to GTFO so fast.  If someone forced me to choose, I'd take Atlantic City 9 months out of the year.
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