Man, everybody. I'm ALL OVER THE VIRTUAL PLACE! I thought I would update here where you can find me, as the change does affect the LJ.
Facebook: I keep up with FB regularly. I'll "recieve" any interaction you initiate with me there. If blog posts are short enough or I think of something that partains to FB folks, I might write a note. I like the immediacy of it; the "status" update and all that.
mySpace: I likewise keep up with folks on mS. I've found my friends are pretty much FB or mS folks, so I keep up with the cross-section there. This is where I do my regular blogging, so if you like to keep up with that kind of thing, you'll want to bookmark (or whatever)
this page.
LiveJournal: I'm going to stop posting regularly here. Or rather, I stopped posting regularly here and just now noticed it. I'm going to keep this account so I can post here and link to it when I want to use the lj-cut feature, but the mS is going to be my regular blog from now on. I'm keeping the
comic strip blog here, though.
I'm going to bookmark the locations of my LJ friends blogs so I can still keep up with you all, much as I do other friends of mine who use various blogging services. So, I'll talk to you guys later.