He's as old (but not as popular) as Homestar Runner!

Aug 26, 2006 10:00

"Hello, everyone, and welcome to The Dinky the Owl Show. I'm Dinky the Owl, and with me as always are Stupey the Squirrel and Fred the Lizard."

If my calculations are correct, today is the 10th birthday of The Dinky the Owl Show!

When we were all in high school and junior high, Austin Mullins, Rich Frazier, myself and later Rhett Swarb contributed hours of wackiness and fun to a "radio" (audio tape) show which we used to pass the time on long car trips at Scout Campouts.

It is still my back-burner goal to one day bring the show to more than 6 people.

By the way, I highly reccommend the 10th anniversary Homestar Runner cartoon, a new animation of his first appearance. And if you haven't heard Weird Al's new single, I find it highly amusing as well.

If you kept up with the comic blog, you could already have read this!
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