I fucking hate the idiot woman!

Feb 21, 2005 18:00

So, yeah my teacher for my history of graphic design class is a fucking moron! The only good thing about that class today was that we got to watch Metropolis, which is quite nifty. Then, when she opened her mouth, it all went into the fucking hole! FUCK! But, it's okay... because I'm not in that hellish class any more... until next week. Man, I havn't written in this thing in ages! I've just been so damn busy with school that even when I'm in a classroom full of computers, the thought of going online for anything other than research doesn't even cross my mind.
For those of you fuckers that give a damn about me, lets recap the past few weeks:

~My idiot slacker roommate's ass has been kicked to the curb
~Brian shall be taking his place come the ides of March
~CJ is still an idiot, and has assumed an entire world outside of reality
~Stacy couldn't care less about his stupid ass
~Lucky isn't afraid of thunder
~I'm really quite good at cooking
~My mother turned 40
~And I didn't smoke pot all weekend, nor did I drink

Aw, the day before yesterday I was feindin bad for a bowl I tell ya. But, proudly I didn't even think of spending a dime to buy, well, a dime;) Nice, eh? I'm not behind in school, though I'm still struggling to get things done. I'm not failing any classes, though I'm not acing any either. But, all is well in spite of all the bullshit that's been flying at me and my fan lately. I'm so fucking hungry, you don't even know! All I've had time to eat today was a PB&J sandwich. Damn, my fucking cat has eatin better than I have today. It's okay though, for I'm gonna try and sneak my ass out of this class long before 9:40 and eat some juicy leftovers from a candle lit dinner I cooked for Emily-poo. Fuck, I gotta actually work now. I have to readisign a bottle label, either for soda or wine, or beer, etc. Before I redesign it though, I need to figure out what the hell it will be.

~Hunter S. you will be missed
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