Fast Draft Day 016

Apr 28, 2011 20:56

Originally published at Joely Sue Burkhart. Please leave any comments there.

I admit, I’ve been getting a little discouraged with these 1K days.  That’s not “Fast Draft.”  Plus the month is almost over and I have at least 1/3 of a novella to write yet.  Then I remember that I have made great progress this month, and if I need an extra week or so in May to finish, so be it.  I’d rather have a solid foundation to revise than a bunch of crap slung on the page.

Speaking of which:  does anyone want to do a MayNoWriMo?  I’m not sure if I can commit to 50K in May, but I’ve had a few people ask me about it on Twitter.  I’m considering it - but I do wish I’d already finished BGW.  (By the way:  Coyote Con is postponed indefinitely because of Deena’s health.  We’re hoping to take a look at our fall schedule.)

Today’s words: 1,235

Total:  26,241


“I am a creature of magic, blood, and yes, violence.  The dreams we shared are only the beginning of my true self revealed to you.”

“Then show me some more.”

P.S. I won’t be shooting for Dark & Early tomorrow. I’m just too tired and too stressed at the Evil Day Job. I’ll shoot for a fairly early day on Saturday instead - and hope I can squeeze in another 1K over lunch or tomorrow evening.  If I post a day 017, it’ll be late as a result.

fast draft

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