D&R Reviews Survive My Fire

Mar 02, 2010 21:03

Originally published at Joely Sue Burkhart. Please leave any comments there.

I’ve known Tia online for years but never queried her to review any of my work for two reasons:  she doesn’t do e-books and she doesn’t typically review sexier books.  However, she picked up a copy of Survive My Fire while Drollerie Press was running a free download, and gave it a shot reading on her iPod.

I’m doubly honored that she chose SMF as an e-book introduction and also reviewed my debut on her excellent Debuts & Reviews site.

The voice is what captured me in this story, and what held me throughout. It is otherworldly, surreal and utterly engaging.

Thank you so much, Tia!

survive my fire, blood & shadows, keldar, dragons, by series, debuts & reviews, review, drollerie press

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