Originally published at
Joely Sue Burkhart. Please leave any
comments there.
I did it.
No, I haven’t quite hit “the end” yet, but I’m only a few thousand away, at most. I made it through the grueling second surprise and final climax of the story. The bad guys are defeated. The good guys limped away, for the most part. Now I still have one more scene in mind near the present to wrap up the resolution, and then the epilogue that ends the ENTIRE series.
Bring out the Kleenex, ’cause if you’re not bawling by the last page, then I failed completely. I’ve seen this ending in my mind for YEARS and it’s been a long time in coming.
Why yes, Virginia, there is an end in sight and I will hit it by Christmas. Since I have tomorow off from the Evil Day Job, the end will come tomorrow. I guarantee it, as long as the power’s not off or a natural disaster doesn’t strike.
Today: 4,505
NaNo: 101,350 *dies*
Snippet: Sorry, short once again to keep the spoilers to a minimum. This happens right before the big second surprise is revealed.
Shadows flickered behind her. If Gregar had her back, then Dharman would be free to assist Sal with the dragon. He turned away and felt a lurch in her bond, a sudden surge of fear that sent the hair crawling on his scalp and his heart pounding like stampeding na’kindren. He whirled.
Na’lanna Qwen had vanished.