Jun 15, 2005 18:32

omg1 i had the most strange dream last night! actually i had 2 of them but one is like a never ending story! ok well the first one was about how i was at this weird school and i met this guy and he wasnt even my type he was very muscular and he had blonde curly hair with brown roots! well back to the story! i didnt even know his name and then all of the sudden we were in this strange room and then we started making out and i remember i was thinking " man he is a bad kisser" and it seemed so real it freaked me out! then we stoped kissing and he started talking about how his brother is a student and a teacher and then i woke up! man! that was one weird dream! ok and the other dream was about micheal jackson! lol! you can already tell that it is going to be a weird dream!lol!and this is a recuring dream too! ok well me and a couple of other girls were with him and then i think he was trying to kill us or rape us or something and i remember we were in this hot tub thing and he started attacking us and me and some other girl got away and we hid all around this house and everywhere we hid he would always be able to find us and i swear i have never been this scared in my life! that last dream i have been having for a few years now and it really freaks me out! i know yall think i am one weird cookie! oh and i just got finished watching this movie and it was so sweet!it was called " on the edge of innocence" and it was about this girl who is kind of crazy and this guy who is dead sexy and he steels cars and runs away from home and gets in fights and they both got sent to this mental institution and they met and for him it was love at first sight and for her all she did was blow him off! and then she started to like him and the first time they kissed they were caught and they were seperated! and they snuck out to make-out and see eachother you know how it is! and the guy was only supposed to stay for a month but they decided to keep him there and one of the shrinks took them to these rooms so they could see eachother and she got caught and they were going to send the guy somewhere else but he took a knife thing and threatened to kill the manager dude and him and the girl and 3 other people ran away from the place and they were all over the news and they finally went back to their families and they stayed a couple and it was just so sweet! it made me want to cry! and you probably think i am some weird person to think that movie was sweet but it was to me! well write back!!!!
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