Some great sites!

Aug 31, 2006 21:47

hey there just got back from my stitch n bitch group-its so fun! i wonder if i could start a trend for sewing groups like that? forgot to mention the address of the blog which inspired me-
oh and check this site out-has images for knights tale which is great cos theyre sooo hard to find and i love that film!

oh and i got the new american vogue with the marie antoinette feature-and i highly recommend getting it. even if you`ve seen the images from the film online (how do they do that?) it has kirsten dunst in gowns obviously inspired by marie antoinette and they are beautiful. havent read the article yet but it looks interesting. also heard there is going to be a new film of persuasion with anthony stewart head (giles from buffy) but thats all i know cos my dad caught the end of an interview about it on tv! argh.

oh and have fun to all those going to the con this weekend - is it d con?? i cant follow these things! enjoy yourselves anyways and i cant wait to hear about it and see pics. byee for now, Joelle
p.s. wish me luck for my interview at the local craft store tomorrow!

happy, accomplished

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