Jul 22, 2008 14:10
I have been living with Sam for three weeks now, and I have to say, I'm really enjoying it. Yes, boys are messy, which is difficult with my type A personality, but I'm finding that I don't care as much as I thought I would. I'm just so happy to be with him it kinda takes away from all little annoying things he does. Ah, to be in love and ridiculously happy.
I start school in fourteen days. OH MY GOD. Everyday it gets closer, and everyday I freak out about it just a little bit more. I know it will be fine, but at the same time, it scares the shit out of me. I am deathly afraid of failing at something I want, so that is the major concern in my mind; that I won't make it for some reason or another. But, I just have to keep reminding myself that it will all work out; it always does.