(no subject)

Jan 21, 2006 19:55

1. Age: 19
2. Male or Female: female
3. Race/ethnic origin: white
4. College level: na
5. Marital History: na
6. Relationship status: engaged
7. Father's highest education level: 2 years in college
8. Mother's highest education level: college graduate
9. Combined household income:  fuck if I know.
10. Mother's religion: protestant
11. Father's religion: protestant
12. Your religion: protestant
13. How important is your religion to you?: kinda important but not very
14. How religious is your mother?: not very
15. How religious is your father?:  not very
16. My feelings about virginity are: c
     a. I am a virgin and plan to choose a life partner who is a virgin
     b. I am a virgin but plan to choose a life partner who is not a virgin
     c. I am not a virgin and plan to choose a life partner who is not a virgin
     d. I am not a virgin but I want my prospective partner to be a virgin
     e. Whether my prospective partner is a virgin or not is irrelevant
17. My opinion about premarital sex is: a
     a. It's all right for everyone, including myself
     b. I'm against it for myself, but what others do is their business
     c. It's morally wrong for everyone
18. What is your mother's feeling about you having premarital sex? b
     a. She is opposed to it
     b. She would not mind if we were in love
     c. It would be OK if we were engaged to be married
     d. She would be in favor of it
     e. I don't know
19. What is your father's feeling about you having premarital sex? E
     a. He is opposed to it
     b. He would not mind if we were in love
     c. It would be ok if we were engaged
     d. he would be in favor of it
     e. I don't know - nor do I care
20. Have you had sexual intercourse? yes
21. If yes, how old were you?  18
22. In the past 3 months, how many times have you had sexual intercourse? Not going to tell you
23. In the past 3 months, have you used birth control every time you had intercourse? Maybe.. haha  yes
24. Of the number of times you had sexual intercourse in the past 3 months, how many times have you used birth control? all
25. Of the number of times you had sexual intercourse in the past 3 months, how many times have you not used birth control? none
26. If you or you're partner have used a method of birth control during the past 3 months, which of the following have you used? c
     a. N/A
     b. Pill
     c. Condom
     d. Diaphram
     e. IUD
     f. Spermicide
     g. Fertility Awareness Method
     h. Other
27. How old were you when you started masturbating? Na

28. Before entering college, about how often did you masturbate? na
29. How much do you enjoy masturbating? na
30. Do you masturbate now? na
31. How much do you enjoy masturbating now? na
32. Where would you place yourself along Kinsey's sexual behavior rating scale? A
     a. Excusively heterosexual
     b. Heterosexual with incidental homosexual experience
     c. Heterosexual with substantial homosexual experience
     d. Equally heterosexual and homosexual experience
     e. Homosexual with substantial heterosexual experience
     f. Homosexual with incidental heterosexual experience
     g. Exclusively homosexual
33. Have you ever had a genital experience with someone of the same sex as yourself? no
34. How old were you when you had your first homosexual experience? Never had one
35. What would your response be if a friend of your said that they were gay and wanted to have a homosexual experience with you? Sorry but I don’t do that
36. Have you ever had an involuntary sexual experience? no
37. While you were a child, would consider yourself a victim of sexual abuse by someone you know well? no
38. How frequently have you been involved in an involuntary sexual experience? never
39. Have you ever been involved in an involuntary sexual experience because of threat of physical harm? no
40. How frequently have you been involved in an involuntary sexual experience because of threat of physical harm to yourself?  never
41. The following are some sources of influence on sexual attitudes.  Which of these has been your most important source? a
     a. Mother
     b. Father
     c. Both parents equally
     d. Religion
     e. Media
     f. Siblings of the same sex as yourself
     g. Siblings of the opposite sex as yourself
     h. Friends of the same sex as yourself
     i. Friends of the opposite sex as yourself
     j. School
42. How often did you ask your mother questions about sexuality before you came to college? na
43. How satisfied were you with her responses? na
44. How often did you ask your father questions about sexuality before you came to college? na
45. How satisfied were you with his responses? na
46. The Supreme Court decision on abortion (January 1973) is as follows:
"We recognize the right of the individual, married or single, to be free from unwarranted governmental intrusions into matters so fundamentally affecting a person as the decision whether to bear or beget children.  That right necessarily includes  the right to decide whether or not to terminate her pregnancy."
Please choose one of the following reactions to this ruling: c
     a. I agree fully to the Supreme Court ruling
     b. I personally don't agree, but if it's the law, then it should be upheld
     c. I fully disagree, and every effort should be made to consider a constitutional amendment to change the law
     d. I am opposed to abortion but would make exceptions if the life of the mother is in danger or in cases of rape or incest
47. Generally speaking, what is your view of the women's liberation movement? bah
48. What are your personal feelings about oral sex? good
49. What are your personal feelings about anal sex?  Exit only
50. How important is it for you to be in love with the person you are having sex with? very
51. How concerned are you that AIDS will spread widely among the nation's college students/young adults?  Not very .. their fault.
52. How concerned are you that AIDS will spread widely among the University of Maine population?  Not very .. still their fault.
53. How concerned are you that AIDS will spread widely and that you may be infected with the AIDS virus?  Not very.. unless someone cheats.
54. Has your behavior changed in response to the AIDS epidemic?  Not really

Questions 55-68: Below is a list of some thins you may or may not do when getting to know a new potential sex partner. Indicate how likely is it you would do the following:
(A = Very unlikely, B = Somewhat unlikely, C = Somewhat likely, D = Very likely)

55. Ask how many sexual partners he/she has had. d
56. Discuss using a condom before having sex. d
57. Ask if he/she has used drugs intravenously (with a needle). c
58. Ask if he/she has had a sexual relationship with an intravenous drug user. c
59. Try to guess if he/she has been exposed to HIV. c
60. Ask if he/she has been exposed to HIV. c
61. Keep a condom on me at all times. b
62. Have both of you tested for HIV. c
63. Ask to have a monogamous relationship. b
64. Take fewer precautions with someone who seems like the kind of person who would not be affected. b
65. Ask if the person has had a sexual relationship with a gay man. a
66. Ask if the person if they have been tested for HIV. b
67. Insist on using a condom before having intercourse. c
68. Refuse sexual activity with a partner who would not use a condom. d
69. If a woman asked you how many sexual partners you have had, you would tell her: c
     a. a number higher than the truth
     b. a number lower than the truth
     c. the truth
70. If a man asked you how many sexual partners you have had, you would tell him: c
     a. a number higher than the truth
     b. a number lower than the truth
     c. the truth
71. If your best friend asked you how many sexual partners you have had, you would tell them: c
     a. a number higher than the truth
     b. a number lower than the truth
     c. the truth
72. How do you feel about the number of sexual partners you have had?  Good.
73. How many sexual partners have you had in the past month? 1
74. How many sexual partners have you had in the past 3 months? 1
75. How many sexual partners have you had in the past year? 1
76. How many sexual partners have you had in your lifetime? 1
77. Have you ever had a STD?  no
78. Have you ever been raped? no
79. Have you ever been involved in a pregnancy which ended in an abortion? no
80. Do you know anyone personally who has/had a STD? no
81. Do you know anyone personally who has been raped?  yes
82. Do you know anyone personally who has had an abortion? no
83. Have you ever faked an orgasm? no

Questions 84-104: Answer the following on the 7 point scale listed below
(1 = I strongly agree, 7 = I strongly disagree)

84. I think it would be very entertaining to look at erotica. 2
85. Erotica is obviously filthy and people should not try to describe it as anything else. 6
86. Swimming in the nude with a member of the other sex would be an exciting experience. 1
87. Masterbation can be an exciting experience. 4
88. If I found out a close friend of mine was gay/lesbian, it would annoy me.  7
89. If people thought I was interested in oral sex, I would be embarassed. 5
90. Engaging in group sex is an entertaining idea. 3
91. I personally find that thinking about engaging in sexual intercourse is arousing. 2
92. Seeing an erotic movie would be sexually arousing to me. 3
93. Thoughts that I may have homosexual tendencies would not worry me at all. 1
94. The idea of my being physically attracted to members of the same sex is not depressing. 2
95. Almost all erotic material is nauseating. 6
96. It would be emotionally upsetting to me to see someone exposing themselves publicly. 5
97. Watching a stripperof the other sex would not be very exciting. 6
98. I would not enjoy seeing an erotic movie. 2
99. When I thing about seeing pictures showing someone of the same sex as myself masturbating, it nauseates me. 6
100. The thought of engaging in unusual sex practices is highly arousing. 5
101. Manipulating my genitals would probably be an arousing experience. 4
102. I do not enjoy daydreaming about sexual matters. 6
103. I am not curious about explicit erotica. 5
104. The thought of having long-term sexual relations with more than one sex partner is not disgusting to me. 6

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