The Children of Odin

Oct 07, 2005 19:50

Intersting Learnings, day, and turn of events.

Well today was alright. Cold and rainy. (Damn that New Jersey weather following me to the Promised Land!!!)

I did some magic at lunch, crowd of 30 or so. I actually got away with a Card to Pocket routine. Basically they pick card, I lose card in deck. I shuffle, they shuffle. They name their card, i pull out of pocket. With a good presentation (like the one i was using and have since forgotten) it is very strong effect.

Finished a book on the origin of the major religions today. I leanred that Kung Fu Tse parralelled Lao Tsu (or Tse i can never remember) to a dragon. Kung Fu Tse does not understand the dragon, and neither does he understand Lao Tsu, hence this analogy.

Turns out, the only writing made by Lao Tsu was a very small booklet. It was only written so that the border guard would let him leave the province of Lo. So he wrote down the core of his teachings, and dissapeared.


His writings were very ambiguous. What his followers ended up doing, was forgetting all the precise and understandable parts, and latching on to the hard to understand ones. They started doing their own interpretations. His original meanings were lost to some extent.

Same goes with Jainism. After the death of the founder, they followers made him into a god (one of 24 actually) and went off in another direction than originally planned by the founder.

Cool stuff.

So i finished that book. I'm now reading a book on Norse Mythology. Fun stuff.

So anyway, Sable's being a bit more friendly than usual. I'll play that bit by ear. Hopefully it turns out well. You never know.


Pep rally today. Sehr boring. Then again, that is to be expected.

I missed the Red River Bowl. I'm a bit pissed. I'm not a big sports person, but the LARGEST college rivalry in the US had their anual game today (UT Longhorns and OU). I'll have to see who won when I go inside.

That will be right about........................

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