Easter is a big day for our family...not because were religious and go to church, not because we believe that Christ wad resurrected this day, not even because we worship the goddess Eostre!
No No, Easter is all about the Eggs in my family...
But no ORDINARY egg painting ceremony will do..none of that PAAS crap...no handy manufactured stickers of bunnys and chicks, crayons hardly do anything, and food colouring is only about 1/16 of what makes up a good egg.
It started in 2000, when my grandma decided to save the eggs we made (which fail in comparison of the quality and standards of todays egg), they all kept surprisingly well, with only a few smelly accidents. This became a running joke in our family, and now every year we attempt to top last years dozen (or two), my grandma saves them in her display cabinet and we have a jolly good time making them. This year has really topped the bill however...we went all out, and the creativity was flowing like the mighty amazon (piranhas not included).
Here's a look into this years Easter Egg Art-a-thon....Hope you enjoy!
Past year eggs, and blank eggs ready for decoration
The squadron of bunnies...protecting the eggs and fighting for our nation
Ma had a great idea, use a light bulb holder to dip the egg!
Egg-painters...hard at work
My uncle Tommy made a Golfer Egg...the first successful egg of the evening!
(he was inspired by vijay singh who was +5 in the tournament)
My mom's egg was NOT going the way she had planned
but her "GOOD EGG" turned out fabulous!
it's getting messy
Some finished products...we were whipping them out like soft butter!
Hare Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama...and so forth..
Don't y'all mess with my EGGStraterrestrial
Mom & Ma were running out of ideas, so they headed for the kitchen and the potato chips n' corn...this is what happens in the heat of the moment!
Ma whips out the tile grout! She's hardcore...
Still hard at work, hours later...
Tommy pulls another one from the creativity bank! he dubbed this one... "Sheila The Corkrin Graduate"
As the evening wore down, the ideas wore down...i tried my bestest to think of one last ringer...but in the end, i failed to see this one throo..
Oh, what on earth do i spawn from? this is why i am so strange...
Here are the finished products!
My Eggs:
"Eggstraterretrial" or "Space Egg"
"The Dali Lama Under The Bodhi Tree"
"French Chocolate Spindle Egg"
and finally "Bacon & Eggs"
Uncle Tommys:
"Sheila The Graduate"
"Vijay The Golfer"
"Spakle Button Egg"
Mom's Eggs:
"Good Egg"
"Sand Egg"
& "Royal Jellyfish Egg"
Ma's Eggs:
"Egg Noir"
& "Egg Shell"
Tony's (Ma's Bo) Eggs:
"Dr. Jekyll & Mrs. Egg"
& these lovely little eggy creations
The Line-Up!
In ALL Its Glory...
HAPPY NEW YEAR! or...something?
oh yeah!...my "Water Themed" Easter Basket!
lovely in'it? Pür filter and all....