Saw a new lizard in the yard today. I couldn't get a picture of it but I think it was this guy.
Which is the Cuban Brown Anole,except the one I saw, he had what looked like a crest on his head but it was a tilted crest. Maybe it was a tumor or some weird birth defect. Plus he was very large and had a long tail. At first I thought maybe he was an iguana but they aren't this brown at this size. But iguanas are distinguishable with their long tails. Maybe I was seeing things. Or I could have found a hybrid lizard half anole/half iguana or something completely different. I need to find him and get a picture. These guys don't go far cause they're territorial unless he gets eaten up or sizzles in the sun but that shouldn't happen. These anoles are the most adaptable, most persistent sonsofbitches in the yard. I mean the bees keep drowning themselves in the bird bath and in the pool. (although I'd like to speculate there is an ulterior motive for that. Bees aren't drowning themselves cause they are stupid. They are probably sacrificing their numbers for the good of the hive. Gotta respect that. )
Also saw these up in the treetops a few times this week
It's a white crowned pigeon. It may not seem like much, I mean it's a pigeon, whoop-de-do! But these are more than twice the size of your ordinary city pigeon and they are endangered. I think they are endangered. Just about every animal is endangered these days.But no seriously they are as big as hawks. It's funny cause I thought they were hawks until I got my binoculars and saw their dopey little pigeon heads. No offense to pigeons and doves dopey heads but it was just funny cause I was expecting this menacing hawk face. Anyway there were several of them way up high in the tree tops just swaying in the wind. It was pretty cool.