I grew in a what one could count as a "military" home. My dad is a retired Air Force General and he is a combat vet, but he was active duty when i was younger . I have the utmost respect for those who serve in any of the branches of this countries defenses. I think it is honorable that they volunteer to sacrifice themselves. I think that it is important for our country to have a standing army just in case. That said I am 100 percent anti war and anti violence.
Starting when I was young my mother would take me to peace marches and protests with her. Not because we didn't support my father and what he did but because we wanted him to come home safely on EVERY level. My father has spoken out now too, that he is free from the restraints of his job that he knows that parts of what he was apart of were for the wrong reasons.
We as a people have been lied to and force fed this idea that in order for us to remain free (which is a laughing thing anyways seeing our country is no where near the most free in the world we don't even fall in top ten!) we must invade countries that have different beliefs than us. The government as a large and corporations twist facts and play to sympathies to get what they want which is never about what is best for their people. I don't honestly understand how anyone can't know that most the dealings of our government has had in the middle east were shady as fuck.
I remember my mother sobbing when we said goodbye to my father knowing we might never see him again. I remember when he came home again and then left yet again. I remember my mother getting hate from other wives of my father's friends because despite supporting my father we didn't support what he was apart of. There is this mentality of all or none when it comes to things to do with veterans, war, the military. But there is ALWAYS other sides in any situation, there are always grey areas.
I am a child of a hard core peace loving mother and a father who has been to war who knows the reality of it. I support veterans, and think that this country needs to do better to support them. We need to change our attention from protecting our "freedom" and turn it to protecting the broken people that war has created.
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