You might have noticed that I haven't been very prolific here on my blog lately. Life has simply been too busy in 2010 and what little time I have available for writing has been spent writing fiction and my MLIS thesis paper.
You might also be beginning to notice that this isn't much of a blog post, either.
"But wait," I hear you screaming, "the subject heading says 'New Blog Post!' Why would you call it that if you don't have much to say?"
Well, I do have a little bit to say, it's just not being said here. The Book Smugglers, a wonderful book blog that I visit regularly, has asked me once again to write the opening post for their annual event, Smugglivus. It's become a bit of a tradition that I do that, so there's no way I could say no!
You can read my post here.
On a side note, today is also my birthday. The Big Three-O. Guess that means I'm all grown up. Woo-hoo! And you know what I'd really like for my birthday? For you to head on over to The Book Smugglers and leave a comment on my post. It's worth your while -- you could win an autographed copy of my book, Be a Writing Superstar! So what are you waiting for? Head on over, read, comment and win!