With a new baby in the house, two books to write and edit for Leisure Books, a book to edit for Scholastic and a second to write to hopefully sell to them, and a dark literature festival to organize (not to mention a full time job, a wife to hang out with, a dog to walk and, oh yeah, a social life), you might assume I haven't had much time for short story writing.
And you'd be right! No time at all. But that doesn't mean I don't have a little bit of news to share on the short story front. First, the cover for Blood Lite II: Overbite was released a short while ago and it's pretty cool:
Editor Kevin J. Anderson has informed us that the book has been printed and should be in stores soon -- it is, of course, also available from all the usual online stores. The lineup of authors is solid and I'm looking forward to seeing how my story, a Christmas horror tale called "Oh, the Ho-Ho Horror", is received.
The second bit of news I've been meaning to share is that I recently sold a "quiet" ghost story, called "Fade", to Cemetery Dance Publications. I've been told it will likely appear in the next issue of their magazine, hopefully early next year.
I've still got a few stories that I haven't submitted to a single market due to a complete lack of free time. If only there was a way to sell stories without needing to devote the time needed to submit them to market after market... You hear that, publishers? Drop me a line and I'll gladly send you a story -- it'll save me a lot of time!