FROZEN BLOOD sells to Leisure Books

Feb 12, 2010 15:40

I was holding off officially announcing this until the ink on the contracts had dried completely, but since I just received a congratulatory email from someone who read the news on Shocklines, I guess it's safe to spread the word. Leisure Books (Dorchester Publishing) have purchased the mass market paperback rights for FROZEN BLOOD, my first novel which was published in 2008. It's one of their two November 2010 releases, and I'm pretty freaking stoked, to say the least.

Don D'Auria at Leisure has been incredible to work with. He's asked for my input on the cover art and the cover copy (back cover blurb, quotes), he's accepted my request to significantly alter the formatting in a large section of the novel, and he's answered all of my questions in a timely and professional manner. He's also entertained my idea for a second, original novel, and encouraged me to send a synopsis and the first few chapters asap -- with any luck (and if he likes it enough to buy it!) it could be released as early as June 2011. It's not a sure thing, but it's exciting all the same.

With BE A WRITING SUPERSTAR! coming out from Scholastic in August, BLOOD LITE 2: OVERBITE in October and FROZEN BLOOD in November, the second half of the year promises to be busy. But not as busy as the first half, as my wife is now only eight days away from her due date -- our first child. The countdown continues...

Guess I can kiss sleep goodbye.

p.s. To see the full 2010 Leisure lineup, click here.
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