Apr 22, 2006 03:43
So Its 4 a.m. and we just got back from the old insane asylum. It was so frigin sweet. About 15 of us started out trying to get into the old tunnels that run under campus but we fell short. Although it was still sweet because we snuck into Kohrman Hall and into the new add on addition and found an underground tunnel but it lead us into a dead end. So after that some people went home but Dave, Rob, Josh, Karie, Jen and I drove to the old insane asylum. We snuck under the fence and I ended up ripping my jeans even more than they are already torn. We made our way to the building and found a way in through a broken out window. We searched about 5 floors with only two flash lights. We found the old rooms that they were kept in and just some wierd other things. It was a night to remember. But anyway finals are around the corner and that sucks. But on the bright side I flew with Andy to Fort wayne Indiana the other night. It was so awesome. The night was perfect, no wind, stars shining bright, and the lights of the city and towns glowing brightly. I landed on a runway that is 12,000 ft long and some some F-16's down on the ramp. After that we flew back to Kalamazoo to do some pattern work and on the last landing Andy took the contors and said watch this: we took off full throttle and hovered over the runway at about 15 ft going about 120 knots. Once we hit the end of the runway he pulled back hard on the yoke and we went almost vert!! I was slammed hard against the seat, frigin awesome. Now I am done with private, I just have to do reveiw flights and two of the hardest tests of my life in the air, pray for me!! Well I am tired, off to bed. Clark Out...Love Ya'll
I Miss ya like crazy beb!!