Feb 10, 2006 00:45
Flying is the second greatest thrill known to man.... Landing is the first!
There is no other feeling than bringing a plane down from the sky onto the runway. Seeing that runway get closer and closer, bringing that power back to idle, pitching up until almost the stall, feeling that thump as the landing gear touches down on the concrete. Its so exciting and breathe taking. And that is the one thing that is busting my butt on the Prog Check. The first time it was very windy, the second time, we had a strong crosswind and I couldnt keep the damn thing staight to the runway. Hopefully this thrid time I can do it. I just need to fly the pattern a few times and practice practice practice. This is what life is about. Taking chances, living your dream, changing the world. God I Love It!! Anyway the rest of my week went good. Classes are going good, along with the exams that follow. We had our superbowl party on Sunday and it rocked. The girls came over early with some food and beverages and the fella's came over a little later. The night was full of football, beer, and best friends!! At the end of the night Cari decided to make all of us moon every car that went by our house. It was awesome and one crazy picture!! We hit up the girls house a couple nights later for some video games and some midnight pancakes made by Laura. Deliciuos!! Tomorrow I will be going home to Monroe after my morning class in Battle Creek for my Family Birthday party and then onto Kori's wedding on Saturday and to see my ever so beautiful girl as maid of honor. I cant wait!! Let the good times roll!! Clark Out...Love Ya'll