Despite bombing my last comp on Sunday (Failed ALL of my Snatches), i was surprised to see that i am officially (currently, until all the good guys start competing) ranked 10th in Australia in the 85kg Weightlifting category.
Fucking freaky!
Had a great training session today; light workout but it felt good to have some good lifts tonight after failing so badly on Sunday. I am looking at a 90kg Snatch and 120kg Clean and Jerk in the next comp in about 2 months.
Also i visited Melbourne again last week. I am very sorry to those people i missed out on seeing, some people i didn't call, sms, or e-mail. It's not you, it's me. Honestly though, with a mere 5 days in Melbourne and wanting to train as well as shop and sight see, it's incredibly hard to catch up with everyone. Rest assured, when i do end up moving back we will have plenty of time to hang out.
Sadly (for moving plans) work is going well. I'm off to
Koolan Island which is about 1900km north of Perth and the first mine site i will visit. Should be interesting as i need to take a prop plane to land on the island, sik. It's also in the "Buccaneer Archipelago", which i happen to think is as awesome as it is hilarious.
I've also been chosen to be the support guy for the Brisbane office which means 7 days in brisvegas from the 7th to the 13th. If anyone can suggest me something to do at night (days will be filled with work) it would be much appreciated. Don't bother reminding me about the Casino, i already know about it you jackass.
Apart form that life is pretty mundane, trying to keep a steady plod on life, saving money, buying Guitar Hero: World Tour, slamming bitches, you know, normal stuff.
I do miss Melbourne and my friends, and i guess even my crazy family. See you all when i can next.