Aug 27, 2007 23:33
My only class today was History of the English Language, from 6 to 8:30 in the evening. It looks like it'll be a quick recap of Intro to Linguistics, Elementary Old English, and Chaucer, all the fun nerdy Anglo-shit I've already done, and the professor spends fall semesters teaching here, spring semesters he teaches in his home country of Poland. Has a sense of humor and has warned us of his confusion of social mores, living regularly on two distinct continents. Should be pretty good.
We just ran over some basic phonetics today, but sometime later we're going to be translating some Old English again. Hell yeah! It's probably the only class I'm sad we don't get to do presentations in, as I'd love to research the Exeter Book or the Ruthwell Cross some more. That shit is tight.